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Chapter 15/3
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Trent’s POV Part 3

The image of Lanie’s mother flooded my mind.
Who could forget that seductive smile and carefree party girl attitude?
I never really got to know her well, but my impression of her was not favorable at all.
So much has been said of her flawless beauty. She was quite pretty, but I thought she was common looking.
She also lacked any real talent, so I don’t know why anyone would make such a fuss.
It seemed to me the woman used and tossed away men like crumpled tissue. She married that fool husband of hers for his money and anything else he could offer her. She cheated on him and shamelessly used Remington as well. She was the kind of woman I despised the most.
I’d never wish such a tragic end on anyone, but she would not have been content to allow Lanie to grow up to have a normal life. She would only have used Lanie as a pawn in the games she played.
She may have even coached Lanie to become a conniving slut like herself.
Frankly, I thought she and Newman were two of a kind. They deserved each other
I could never say anything like this to Remington. He saw the woman as a helpless victim.
He let his emotions and his relationship to her cloud his judgment.
Anything I would say would be dismissed as petty jealousy on my part. So I normally held my tongue when Remington spoke of her.
I also never told him that she had come on to me many a time when we did happen to find ourselves alone together.
Thankfully, that didn’t happen too often.

Finally tired, I got up from the couch and put out the fire.
When I got to the second floor, I paused at the foot of the stairs leading to Lanie’s room.
I could hear the even sound of her breathing and knew she was asleep.
I tiptoed up the stairs and tucked her in. I gently kissed her forehead.
I also felt a throb in my heart that my little one was growing up.
She was also beginning to look more like her every day.
Not that it mattered. My Lanie was nothing like her mother.
I couldn’t love her any more if she truly were my own flesh and blood child.
In my book both she and Roberta were my daughters.

Next up: We see what that dog Reg is up to.

Click Next: Chapter 16 to continue...

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