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Original Poster
#51 Old 29th Aug 2012 at 12:50 PM
Default Hold Court in the Reception Hall too.
Functioning throne for the Reception Hall, tested in old kingdoms and new, and played with in game for around half a kingdom. I haven't come across any problems with it.

Obviously the working reception hall throne will be pointless used in conjunction with SimModder99's mod for stopping petitions, but if you're still allowing your Monarch to be petitioned, this throne will allow them to hold court somewhere different, or at least allow you the option to hold court in the RH if they happened to be there already, no more pointless trekking back to the throne room.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_HoldCourtReceptionHall.rar (3.0 KB, 899 downloads) - View custom content
Field Researcher
#52 Old 29th Aug 2012 at 5:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ChickieTeeta
The amount and types of sims who feel compelled to use the Monarch's bath is shocking.
The fact that the Monarch thinks nothing of getting into the dirty peasant water is disturbing.
Keep your Monarch squeaky clean and fresh with the 'plebs be gone bath'.

That's good stuff. Always annoying if I want to get a nice bath boost with the monarch and I have to wait for some non-monarch person to be done with it.

Good stuff!

*edit* too bad you can't have the constiable arrest them while they are bathing so they get walked down to the stocks naked for more deserved humilation. But since that's probably way too complicated, this is a great and likely more convenient solution.
Original Poster
#53 Old 29th Aug 2012 at 9:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kawaiipd
That's good stuff. Always annoying if I want to get a nice bath boost with the monarch and I have to wait for some non-monarch person to be done with it.

Good stuff!

*edit* too bad you can't have the constiable arrest them while they are bathing so they get walked down to the stocks naked for more deserved humilation. But since that's probably way too complicated, this is a great and likely more convenient solution.

LOL I like your thinking. You could always call them to the wardrobe, change them into the naked clothing and then send them to the stocks.
Test Subject
#54 Old 30th Aug 2012 at 2:53 AM
These are great, now if I can figure out how to keep the npcs from wishing on the well every darn minute, it makes some quests tedious - it'd be perfect.
#55 Old 30th Aug 2012 at 6:33 AM
thanks ChickieTeeta!
Original Poster
#56 Old 1st Sep 2012 at 5:26 PM Last edited by ChickieTeeta : 1st Sep 2012 at 5:49 PM.
No auto well functions.
I'm uploading each one individually incase there's anything you want to keep. If you want to shut off autonomy on the well completely, download and install all 4 files below. They can all be used in conjunction with each other in any combination you desire.
Keep in mind that if you keep even one function active, they will still use the well almost constantly since the other functions just get replaced with whatever you've left active.

Your active sims can still be directed to use the well, and it won't interfere with any quests using the well.

I know echo and small wish are used in quests. Does anyone remember if big wish is used in any quest? If it's not I'd quite like to have big wish be usable autonomously by the kids only.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_NoAutoWellBigWish.rar (2.8 KB, 370 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Forsaken_NoAutoWellDrawWater.rar (3.3 KB, 344 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Forsaken_NoAutoWellEcho.rar (2.9 KB, 370 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Forsaken_NoAutoWellSmallWish.rar (2.8 KB, 342 downloads) - View custom content
Original Poster
#57 Old 1st Sep 2012 at 6:21 PM Last edited by ChickieTeeta : 15th Jan 2013 at 8:58 PM.
No auto bird calling with exclusions.

I've made this so your non-pirate, non-guild, non-noble and hero sims don't autonomously call on the bird if they have one, (your active heroes can still be directed to call their bird and use it as intended of course)

Honorary Pirates and Guild consortium members should autonomously call on the bird the least.

Pirates and Nobles should call less than they used to but more often than the honorary pirates and guild members.

Dread pirates I left alone so they'll call just as much as ever.

* Tested to the extent that I've seen the pirates not be as annoying with the bird.
* I've seen the guild members barely call, one member called once as I recall.
* The Monarch doesn't call on his whenever he's idle or when I take more than 5 seconds to direct him to do something. I've ran it in high speed and left to his own devices the Monarch has never called on it.
* I've still to get a dread pirate appear in my current kingdom, so I haven't viewed them with the bird, they should still be just as annoying as ever though. A good way to spot a dread pirate if you're looking for one though =P

I'm uploading it as is. If you want to test it more that would be very helpful.
Example, if your hero gets themselves a pirate or guild title from the associated quests, I don't know if they have to have the titles attached to change how they autonomously interact with the bird, or if it will even change at all.

*EDIT* Changed a hero to a dread pirate and they'll call autonomously regardless of whether they have the title attached or not.
He's also not replacing the bird with something else to do immediately after calling it, he is standing around holding it, so it can be sent hunting or whatever. I don't know if this was never a problem for the dread pirate though, I've only ever had one, and I didn't play with him much or give him a bird.

*EDIT Oct 2012* It seems the mod only works if the birds aren't assigned to a perch, if you assign them to a perch the annoyingness kicks in again, I hadn't noticed this before. You can unassign them again and the mod will still do what it's meant to, placing them on a perch effectively pauses the mod. There must be a separate file controlling call rates for the perch, I'll take a look for it when I have time, although I kind of like that this gives a way in game to enable and disable the mod at will
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_CallBirdLessOftenExc.rar (3.1 KB, 2623 downloads) - View custom content
Lab Assistant
#58 Old 3rd Sep 2012 at 4:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ChickieTeeta
No auto bird calling with exclusions.

Thank you so much. This was THE most annoying problem. I wish I had had it when I was still actively playing. I'll put it in the game should I ever get the urge to play again, though. Again, thank you; you're a genius.

I like playing The Sims. I don't like to be played like a Sim.
Original Poster
#59 Old 17th Sep 2012 at 11:18 PM
This probably doesn't bother anyone but me, but I'll throw it up here anyway, just incase.

This outfit, (with the offending article circled in red):

I really like this outfit, but I hate having the color of the shirt dictated to me based on my desire to hide the stoopid (and large) pattern on the side of the trousers. I like the trousers black, so ordinarily I have to make the shirt really dark to hide this bit, which then dictates how dark or light the jacket can be if I want it to stand out from the rest of the outfit.
I'm up and about for the first time in days and looking for something non-taxing to do, so I've finally got round to removing this off the trousers.
I've left the 'gemmed' band there, since I think the trouser design might look a bit weird without it. Depending on how much this annoys me, I might map it to the same channel as the trousers, leaving just the 'gems', so it looks more like this:

The outfit is from the P&N EP, so you'll need that EP.
If you want the pattern back on the trousers just remove the package from your mods folder.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_TredonyJacketWNoPatternTrousers.rar (25.1 KB, 664 downloads) - View custom content
Original Poster
#60 Old 19th Sep 2012 at 3:57 AM
Here's a nicer plate than my previous pink thing.
You can only have one plate, so if you have the pink plate (or any other custom plate) please remove it if you're installing this one.

The 2 pics at the top are the plate outside, near nightfall.
The rest are the plate indoors.
I'm showing both since there's quite a difference in color between the two sets of lighting conditions.

Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_PlateTarbayn.rar (8.2 KB, 591 downloads) - View custom content
Original Poster
#61 Old 19th Sep 2012 at 8:05 PM
I always wanted cherry blossom and hawthorne, hence the pinks, and I love the colors in TS3's Lunar Lakes, hence the purple.
So being real imaginative I'm calling these trees Lunar Blossom
The judgement tree is red, because you know....death and...er...blood. It goes together in my head.

Can't be used at the same time as Shimrod's Autumn Leaves.

(The purple trees look blurry in these pics, but they're fine in my game, don't know what happened with the caps. I think my graphics card is beginning to die a slow death, it's not the first weird thing I've noticed across games today)
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_LunarBlossom.rar (604.6 KB, 891 downloads) - View custom content
Original Poster
#62 Old 20th Sep 2012 at 1:51 PM Last edited by ChickieTeeta : 20th Sep 2012 at 2:12 PM.
Default Link to motive decay mods
Oops, meant to put this up here a while back, before they got lost in the forum somewhere, they're all linked in my makeshift index as well now if you're ever looking for them again for whatever reason:

The link for the slower motive decay mods. They can be used together, or you can use one without the other if only one of the motives is bugging you:


Post 5 for slower hunger decay. (27 hours before the first debuff)

Post 13 for slower energy decay. (42 hours before the neutral sleep buff procs, so should be around 49 hours before the first debuff)


3 Food re-textures and a bowl re-texture


Post 5 for the 3 food re-textures and post 13 for the bowl


Flajko's Pure Eyes Contacts converted for TSM


Download in the first post.
Original Poster
#63 Old 26th Sep 2012 at 3:05 PM Last edited by ChickieTeeta : 30th Mar 2013 at 4:23 AM.

Adding on to all versions of Shimrod's_Seduce,Execute and Forsaken_NoJealousy,AutonomousWoohoo mods

All sims can take a blood sample (found under the profession tab) it lowers the relationship slightly but I find it funny if a sim is annoying you and your sim fails to do it properly

the monarch can knight sims (also autonomous, you can either ignore the sometimes odd choices or honor them using Grim's core to change the titles, found under Monarch)

the option to fight without being arrested for it (appears as brawl, lying loose)

different cash options, for giving away cash...for a story you're playing, to help out poorer heroes, to get rid of excess amounts, because you cheated to furnish something and gave yourself too much money, to roleplay paying staff that work for you, to pay for *polite cough* woohooing random sims , to pay for always eating out at another heroes house, you cheap git, now you can give them something for constantly rummaging through their larder :P, or for any other reason you may have to want to give your cash away and there are probably loads of reasons) the payment options are all lying loose.
The payment for 250 simoleans I put under friendly, because I can't get any text to appear for it, I left it in because all the other payment options use the give bag animation and this one uses a fairly cheeky 'perform for me you pleb' coin holding animation which I quite like.
The payment for 2500 specifies pay for painting (it comes from a quest) it's just an exchange of cash like the others though.

The doctor can now overdose sims at will. They just pass out though, I've yet to see one die from it. (found under physician)

I can put the cash options under the profession tab or under friendly, but this will take more time since I'd have to go back over every version that's available to do that, so I'm leaving them as they are just now.

If you're already using autonomous woohoo then make sure to download the version that adds on to the version you're currently using, (unless not having the auto woohoo function in older kingdoms doesn't bother you.)
For example, If you currently use 'NoJealousy' then download 'NoJealousyKnight+'
Remember to remove any older version when you add one of these. They will conflict if you don't. I know Seduce off of Shimrods part of the mod becomes permanently broken in any kingdom that's saved with 2 versions of the socializing xml installed, so please don't forget to remove the older versions of the mod.
The one that says just knight+ uses the socializing xml too, so if you use this one, you can't use any version of Shimrods seduce execute (including the version on his site that's just his mod alone) or no jealousy or auto woohoo. These mods all use the same xmls.

*EDIT* FIX for switching which Autonomous Woohoo version you use without breaking autonomous woohoo
Remove the version you're using, save your game without the mod in, then install any of the other versions. Autonomous woohoo will work as it's meant to.

Also I've mentioned that having 2 versions of the socializing xml accidentally installed will break Shimrod's seduce mod. It won't. It turns out seduce doesn't give the relationship boost if your sim has the seductive trait anyway.

Thank you, once again, to Shimrod, for allowing the additions to be added on to his mod too.

Showing the payment option that shows up without text, and the animation I'm talking about. It's for giving 250 simoleans.

Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_Knight+.rar (113.2 KB, 669 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Forsaken_TSMAutonomousWooHooKnight+.rar (110.9 KB, 408 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Forsaken_TSMAutoWoohooNoJealousyKnight+.rar (110.8 KB, 364 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Forsaken_TSMNoJealousyKnight+.rar (110.8 KB, 292 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  ShimrodsTSMSeduceExecute_Forsaken_Knight+.rar (112.3 KB, 416 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  ShimrodTSMSeduceExecute_ForsakenAutoWooKnight+.rar (112.0 KB, 368 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  ShimrodTSMSeduceExecute_ForsakenNoJealousyKnight+.rar (112.3 KB, 332 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: rar  Shimrod_SedExec_Forsaken_AutoWooNoJealKnight+.rar (112.3 KB, 454 downloads) - View custom content
Field Researcher
#64 Old 26th Sep 2012 at 3:52 PM
I hate to be greedy but is there any way to put these under one folder instead of having most of them show up under the main listing? I personally don't like that being too cluttered.
Original Poster
#65 Old 26th Sep 2012 at 4:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kawaiipd
I hate to be greedy but is there any way to put these under one folder instead of having most of them show up under the main listing? I personally don't like that being too cluttered.

lol I did say:
"I can put the cash options under the profession tab or under friendly, but this will take more time since I'd have to go back over every version that's available to do that, so I'm leaving them as they are just now."

I can, but since it means extracting, exporting, converting, searching for everything, changing everything, converting it back, reimporting it, re-saving it and re-zipping it and re-uploading it, it's a lot of work, especially since there's 8 versions to do it for.
I'll get round to it at some point.
I'm thinking the best place to put them is probably under profession since it's used less than friendly is. I'd also have to check that it wouldn't interfere with the options when they pop up for quests. I wouldn't imagine they would but if I'm changing the location of them, I'd rather make 2 instances of it in the xml, so the quest one still appears where it's meant to.
Test Subject
#66 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 10:33 PM
I love the knighting/money mod. Thank you!
Field Researcher
#67 Old 28th Sep 2012 at 8:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ChickieTeeta
lol I did say:
"I can put the cash options under the profession tab or under friendly, but this will take more time since I'd have to go back over every version that's available to do that, so I'm leaving them as they are just now."

I'm from America. We don't do no reading comprehension in America. :P
Original Poster
#68 Old 11th Oct 2012 at 9:36 AM Last edited by ChickieTeeta : 11th Oct 2012 at 9:47 AM.
* Pattern at bottom of dress removed.

* Dinginess and pattern on insets retextured.

* Pink lacing at the back of the dress recolored.

* Overlay tinting removed (4th channel is still there, but does nothing now)

I've had dresses that looked urine stained round the bottom or sweat stained round the arms or looking like she rolled in coal dust or something round the shoulders. I find the tinting highly appealing, on your own sim you can set it to the main color as the dress to get rid of it, negating, for me, the need for it to be there at all, if I get an NPC wearing the dress it requires a wardrobe call to get rid of it. I see no point to the 4th channel being there.



Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_PatternRemoveArisCrossNeck.rar (1.17 MB, 874 downloads) - View custom content
Original Poster
#69 Old 17th Oct 2012 at 12:10 AM Last edited by ChickieTeeta : 21st Mar 2013 at 4:08 PM. Reason: updated specular file
Painting with my favorite Monarch's surname. It's also the name of a sword so it's still generic enough to share =P

This painting is a unique object, so it won't overwrite any of the existing paintings.

*edit* Just realized I forgot to say that the frame is recolorable

Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_PaintingClaymoreUniqueObject.rar (43.5 KB, 312 downloads) - View custom content
Field Researcher
#70 Old 17th Oct 2012 at 4:27 PM
Can you make a Clay Less picture?

I think there is already too much clay in the world.

Being more serious, that's pretty cool. Being able to make your own object is nice. Maybe I should get off my lazy (overworked) butt and figure out how to do this.
Original Poster
#71 Old 17th Oct 2012 at 6:19 PM
Well, you make mods for skyrim, so I'm sure TSM should be easy enough to figure out.
Field Researcher
#72 Old 18th Oct 2012 at 3:14 PM
I made A mod after following a tutorial. But there are some tutorials here so.. we'll see.
Original Poster
#73 Old 13th Nov 2012 at 9:54 AM
Default Family Size=19
Larger family requested by Keyneky.

Family size 19. Seems a random number, I know, but Queen Anne had the most kids as far as I'm aware. She had 17 children (none of which survived to inherit the throne) so 17 plus 2 parents gives 19 in the family.

This is untested, so I don't know if there'll be some natural cut-off where the game won't let you actually have 17 children in your household (or 18 if there's only 1 parent). I'd imagine it would though.
I'd also imagine that lag could ensue if your computer isn't up to handling the extras. Even though children aren't added to the family bar and spend most of their time out of the house, 17 kids per hero could lead to 170 extra bodies wandering the kingdom so lag may well be possible if you abuse this mod.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Forsaken_FamilySize19.rar (15.5 KB, 2271 downloads) - View custom content
Lab Assistant
#74 Old 13th Nov 2012 at 1:37 PM
that might just fix the neighborhood breaking thing
Lab Assistant
#75 Old 13th Nov 2012 at 4:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ChickieTeeta
Larger family requested by Keyneky.

Family size 19. Seems a random number, I know, but Queen Anne had the most kids as far as I'm aware. She had 17 children (none of which survived to inherit the throne) so 17 plus 2 parents gives 19 in the family.

This is untested, so I don't know if there'll be some natural cut-off where the game won't let you actually have 17 children in your household (or 18 if there's only 1 parent). I'd imagine it would though.
I'd also imagine that lag could ensue if your computer isn't up to handling the extras. Even though children aren't added to the family bar and spend most of their time out of the house, 17 kids per hero could lead to 170 extra bodies wandering the kingdom so lag may well be possible if you abuse this mod.

Thank you so much! I'm going to try this out in the next few days. I'll let you know how it goes.


-Also, I can kill you with my brain.-
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