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#1 Old 14th Dec 2013 at 6:08 PM
Default What is Melody?
I'm cleaning out all the "junk" I've accumulated, and came across an .exe file named Melody_1.2.0630.1500, There's also a .dll named s3pePlugin, but that's all the info I have. I usually delete stuff when I don't know what it is, but I've come across a couple of pretty cool MilkShape plugins today I must have downloaded when I first started meshing and didn't understand what they were. If this falls into that category I'd like to put it to use. I wish I'd kept some kind of documentation about this when I first found it! Thanks for any help anyone can give -- I hope this is the right place to make the post, but since I don't know what this thing does it's kinda hard to decide where to put it.
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#2 Old 5th Jan 2014 at 5:55 AM
Hey, if you're still looking it's an NVIDIA program for creating normal maps...

Quote: Originally posted by sciguy77
I'm cleaning out all the "junk" I've accumulated, and came across an .exe file named Melody_1.2.0630.1500, There's also a .dll named s3pePlugin, but that's all the info I have. I usually delete stuff when I don't know what it is, but I've come across a couple of pretty cool MilkShape plugins today I must have downloaded when I first started meshing and didn't understand what they were. If this falls into that category I'd like to put it to use. I wish I'd kept some kind of documentation about this when I first found it! Thanks for any help anyone can give -- I hope this is the right place to make the post, but since I don't know what this thing does it's kinda hard to decide where to put it.
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