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#1 Old 24th Apr 2024 at 6:17 AM Last edited by luqtas : 27th Apr 2024 at 6:21 PM.
The Sims 1 Complete Edition co-op gameplay #3656781

so i posted at Discord groups an invitation to play The Sims 1 Complete Edition together, in turns! so far i found 1 person and our deal is: 2.5 (2 hours and 30 minutes) hours each session & one can take at maximum 14 days (IRL time) i.e. if you didn't played for 2.5 hours in 14 days, you must pass the save-game file; or if you played the 2.5 hours in few days, you also must pass the file...

since The Sims 1 doesn't allow editing families, for creating our 1° family, we need to do it by parsing screenshots! if anyone gets interested, post yours, we are happy to play with you

current Sims of the 1° family:

we'll wait a while till this post gets some views but if we start to play, or people created too much Sims, the rule is: if we have 8 people interested, each one has the right to create 1 Sim only, otherwise, a new family must be created... we are also happy if you join us later, with or without a Sim!
communication happens in Discord but if you don't use that, we can exchange files via e-mail

a report when passing the file would be nice to update everyone of what happen... also for the entertainment of readers here!

edit: we are open to discuss sessions time and limit! at 1° it was suggested 5 hours & 30 days... also fine adjustment after we start if we feel the need! whatever works for everyone!

edit 2: it has started! we agreed in playing vanilla, without cheats and without mods but any experienced player joining is welcome to add anything and explain why X or Y is great... but please, anything that resemble cheats is out of consideration

edit 3: to keep the post clean, if you want to join, please send me a DM rather than replying here!
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#2 Old 18th May 2024 at 1:56 PM Last edited by luqtas : 18th May 2024 at 3:19 PM.
apparently they parsed me a haunted file...

both kids went to the military, despite of an 1 hour effort of giving my best to bring up all the -3 negative mood points all Sims were; all the relationships were falling apart and we even got a couple bed that couldn't be used @ one of the sides because it was siding a wall

stuff was so bad that even the microwave was catching fire

and despite luck episodes of not having to deal with clowns or receiving 500 § because computer bugs, to survive i had to sell multi-thousand § decoration stuff... finding a job was impossible & soon the money went away; so i started a new session! chatted about how i think Sims 1 works more or less and i hope stuff goes okay from now!

i created a house from the scratch, we previously were using a pre-built one that would require too much tweak to work out (but i have no idea if it would be cheaper)

Giovanna and Gabrielle went to the crime career... but apparently Giovanna is too girly for that, so she's now a dog walker, which earn 20 § less but she works for 3 hours only! couldn't bring Gabrielle too because apparently having no negative or positive mood points is a depressed mood to look for jobs Liz and gort are lying at C - B at their school grades & are pretty good cleaners, as no one seems to flush the toilet here oh and Liz seems to not like any of the paintings i bought! maybe when we get rich by walking all the neighbors dogs, we'll be able to buy fine art
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#3 Old 18th May 2024 at 3:45 PM
Those poor kiddos

I think you'll get more room score bang for your buck by selling the art and putting some paint on the walls first. You might get a pleasant surprise when you sell some of it.
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