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#1 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 8:20 PM
Default Matching Wall Textures
I've done a lot of recolors and I and not a novice by no means, but I have a question concerning matching object recolors to the textures of a wall. Whenever I try to recolor an object to match the textures of a wall, they always seem to be darker or not even the same shade as the texutre of the wall. I've recently been trying to recolor some objects to match a wall texture. I've extracted the wall texture and applied it to the objects. When I view them in the game, they are not even the same hue as the wall and also are much darker. I suspect it's an issue with the reflection aspect, but I've ediited all the reflection relevent areas in the TXMT including reflectivity, stdMatEmissiveCoef, stdMatEnvCubeMode, stdMatEnvCubeTextureName, stdMatSpecCoef, and stdMatSpecPower but nothing I've tried seems to work. I'd appreciated some insight on how to match the textures.

retired moderator
#2 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 8:23 PM
I don't know the technical details, but my understanding based upon others' posts is that the game renders the lighting and textures differently for walls and objects, making perfect matches extremely difficult (if even possible).

But I may be mistaken. Maybe someone knows something which can help you?

I don't mind if you call me "MSD" or something for short.
Perhaps someday I'll have leisure time back...
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 8:31 PM
I can't believe that objects can't be recolored to match walls because I've downloaded some recolors that match walls perfectly. There must be some editing of the file that makes the objects render its texture so it matches the wall texture.
retired moderator
#4 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 8:59 PM
Like I said, I may be mistaken. It wouldn't be the first time.

I don't mind if you call me "MSD" or something for short.
Perhaps someday I'll have leisure time back...
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#5 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 9:11 PM
Well, I may be mistaken too. It certainly would definitely not be the first time.
Site Helper
#6 Old 27th Jul 2011 at 10:34 PM
You might want to take a look at the walls and objects that actually match. Are the textures actually the same, or have they been modified to match in-game?
Top Secret Researcher
#7 Old 28th Jul 2011 at 12:49 AM
I never tried to make objects & walls match ... but if that was my plan, I'd start by making the TXMT parameters match between them. A lot of objects have mild hue differences introduced in the TXMT. Walls might have some mild hue changes too, haven't looked at a wall TXMT in a long time.

Like MSD, it is my understanding that the game engine renders light on walls a little different than it does objects. Make your comparisons in outside lighting first. Plus I'm sure you have noticed how even with shadows off, the color on a straight wall and its adjacent wall at a different angle are often significantly different. That tells me, that no matter what you do, there will be some variations in some situations -- so don't get hung up on 'perfect all the time' -- ain't happening.

Retired from the Sims world. Please continue to enjoy my creations. Thank you to everyone who helped -- by either giving me the tools and knowledge to create or by encouraging me & downloading my creations. The Sims community is the BEST!
#8 Old 28th Jul 2011 at 7:46 AM
Some of the earliest posts here at MTS assert that the lighting is rendered differently for walls and objects. I have colored many things that were meant to blend right in with the wall (architectural featured mostly) and the best I get is almost matching. Even fences look different.

That being said, I have noticed that there are times when a recolored object seems to blend in with walls much better than with most of them, but I don't know what it is about them that makes them match better.
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