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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#1 Old 11th May 2024 at 7:49 PM
Default WCIF Get A Way Isle from exchange?
I was trying to download Get A Way Isle from the exchange just now, but the site refuses to load for me today, even though I spend yesterday downloading a bunch of worlds. I don't know if its a me issue or if the website is down, but I wonder if anybody has the file to the world just in case for me?

From this link: https://www.thesims3.com/assetDetai...assetId=9351722
Test Subject
#2 Old 11th May 2024 at 7:59 PM
mine works fine when going to the link but yes i could send you the file
Test Subject
#3 Old 11th May 2024 at 8:00 PM
i dont know if i could send the file here tho
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#4 Old 11th May 2024 at 8:29 PM
Try the direct download link:

Tip: to download any asset from the Sims 3 exchange directly, use this URL:
Where xxxxxxx is the asset number (the last bit of the URL on the page for the item).
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 11th May 2024 at 8:55 PM
Hmmm, its not working. I hope I didn't bust my browser somehow :/
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#6 Old 11th May 2024 at 9:37 PM
Try clearing your cookies and cache for the sims 3 site.
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