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Lab Assistant
#326 Old 10th Sep 2008 at 11:14 PM
OUCH!!! Who is Obama? He is a Muslim,socialist with very bad associations.
Field Researcher
#327 Old 11th Sep 2008 at 11:33 AM
Did you even watch that? I think Bill O'Reiely comes off as a massive arse. He won't let Obama talk, he's just flat out rude! Good interviewing is not shouting down the person you're interviewing, its letting them talk and asking the right questions.

When will McCain be interviewed by Olberman?
Top Secret Researcher
#328 Old 11th Sep 2008 at 2:24 PM
BigBadBrat, read this and take it in.


Now can you stop trying to make Obama out to be something he's not?

I would like to clear up the little matter of my sanity as it has come into question. I am not in any way, shape, or form, sane. Insane? Hell yes!

People keep calling me 'evil.' I must be doing something right.

SilentPsycho - The Official MTS2 Psycho
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#329 Old 11th Sep 2008 at 2:37 PM
If you cannot stay on the topic of this thread - Palin as McCain's VP choice - and if you cannot stay civil, graceful, and arguing your point without resulting to personal attacks, snarking, and sniping, you will be removed from this thread.

Political topics are, by nature, heated debates, but it is up to you as debaters to keep on topic and remember to debate your -point-, not to debate about each other. Stick to your point, stick to your position, and remember that the tone and way you present yourself have a heck of a lot to do with how well people will understand what you're trying to get at.

Jhd posted a warning about this on the 7th and I have seen many chatters ignoring it. This is your second and last warning. After this, anyone who cannot stay on topic and remain polite will be removed from this thread.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Forum Resident
#330 Old 11th Sep 2008 at 2:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Hinoemasim
No, she's a 'second in line if something happens to the-' presidential candidate and should be able to fill the requirements if needs be. I don't see how she could.
And how much foreign policy experience does obama have again?

Military experience is valuable if he's up for Joint Chiefs of Staff. As far as presidency, I don't see it having any more or less benefit than corporate experience, and I see it as carrying less weight than actual governmental experience. I weigh his senatorial experience far more heavily and, being an Arizonan, I haven't been too impressed with that.
You do know what the primary job of the president is don't you?


The roll of commander and chief is to decide when, where and how to send our troops into harms way. Carry out declinations of war from Congress. Decide the use of our weapons, including Nuclear. Protect our nation from all foreign invaders.

A ticket with a man from a military family who was a fine soldier and a fair to middling senator and a VP who isn't qualified to be president in an emergency is 'balanced'?
Or a ticket from a man who is a fine lawyer, a freshman senator who's voting record in the senate is full of 230 not voting records, out of the total of about 440 issues he has voted on. That's an average of over half the time, he won't stand on an issue. Best of all, if you look through his voting record, foreign policy issues, out of a total of 27 issues, he has voted No Vote a grand total of 15 times. Better then half the time, he won't take a stance on the issue.

And on his VP pick, I'm going to start a new thread on just that.

Erasing One Big Astounding Mistake All-around
Mad Poster
#331 Old 11th Sep 2008 at 8:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BigBadBrat
OUCH!!! Who is Obama? He is a Muslim,socialist with very bad associations.

BBB, I highly doubt that that is true, otherwise he won't win for sure. I think you pretty much have to be a Christian to be President. I don't see any non-Christian becoming President anytime soon. Also, keep in mind that while Palin may be a Christian and her church may not necessarily practice racism, they may still believe that other things are sinful like homosexuality, abortion, pre-marital sex, etc. That does not make her any better of a person than one who doesn't believe such things are sinful. Just remember that Palin is not all that innocent, so she has her lies too just like everyone else does. All politicians lie and you need to remember that. And I'm including Obama in this list, and this is coming from a non-Republican, so I'm trying to be as fair as I can. And I'm not saying who is worse than who, I am just merely pointing out that Palin has her faults as well.

I see this thread getting locked soon. It's getting way too heated as usual in all political threads here.
#332 Old 11th Sep 2008 at 8:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by frankie
All politicians lie

Obi-Wan has taught you well.

Of course John McCain has lied. He is a politician.
Of course Barack Obama has lied. He is a politician.
Of course Sarah Palin has lied. She is a politician.
Of course Joe Biden has lied. He is a politician.

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
Mad Poster
#333 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 1:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by davious
Obi-Wan has taught you well.

Of course John McCain has lied. He is a politician.
Of course Barack Obama has lied. He is a politician.
Of course Sarah Palin has lied. She is a politician.
Of course Joe Biden has lied. He is a politician.

Who is Obi-Wan? Actually no one specific really taught me this. It was coming to these debates and reading posts from you and other people that made me realize and learn new things I had yet to know. That is why I enjoy these debates because it's like a learning tool for me. As much as I do not support typical Republicans who think they are right and never wrong and they act like they never lie, I feel exactly the same way for the typical Democrats who act the same way. I realized that it is not the party so much as it is the actual person.

And from your list of people you have there, I was surprised you listed Johnn McCain first, lol. But yes, they all lie.

BBB, you need to realize this as well. Sarah lies, too. I know you love and support her, but she has her faults just like all the other three do.
Mad Poster
#334 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 2:01 AM
One thing I've been wondering... why is Sarah Palin toting that poor baby of hers on stage at all of the conventions? The limelight and the loud applause associated with it is no place for any baby, let alone a Down's Syndrome child. She says to leave her family alone, and yet here she is parading them on stage. I know nothing about what sort of mother she is, but that act right there just screams inattentive and using the poor child for sympathy. I think it's absolutely horrible and very insensitive.

Quote: Originally posted by BigBadBrat

OUCH!!! Who is Obama? He is a Muslim,socialist with very bad associations.

What does it matter if he's a Muslim? I swear, people in this country need to be more tolerant- it's no wonder that the rest of the world hates us. His religion says absolutely nothing about his competence as a politician. It's not even remotely part of the equation. All that matters is how he'll perform as a president, not what god he prays to.

Do I dare disturb the universe?
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#335 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 2:42 AM
If she didn't people would be bitching about her ignoring Trig. She is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, so she chooses to take her kid with her. Big flippin deal.

Umm. Frankie? Obi-Wan? Seriously? Its a movie quote. If you remember my previous avatar, the one before the football helmet, which movie would be obvious All I was saying is that I am glad that you are learning that politics isn't the squeeky clean profession they want you to believe it is.

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
Lab Assistant
#336 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 3:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
One thing I've been wondering... why is Sarah Palin toting that poor baby of hers on stage at all of the conventions? The limelight and the loud applause associated with it is no place for any baby, let alone a Down's Syndrome child. She says to leave her family alone, and yet here she is parading them on stage. I know nothing about what sort of mother she is, but that act right there just screams inattentive and using the poor child for sympathy. I think it's absolutely horrible and very insensitive.

What does it matter if he's a Muslim? I swear, people in this country need to be more tolerant- it's no wonder that the rest of the world hates us. His religion says absolutely nothing about his competence as a politician. It's not even remotely part of the equation. All that matters is how he'll perform as a president, not what god he prays to.

I agee Rabid, I have no respect for her as a mother, obviously her political career comes first....and from what I have read it came first even when she was pregnant. I wonder who is going to take care of that baby while she is on the road for 40 some days with John McCain.....I think Bristol will soon tire of it.
And well Obama isn't muslin....if one actually reads his biography completely....but people will think what they will think...as one hick said " I'm not voting for that guy, his name sounds like those people over there"...anyway..otherwise I agree Rabid. if you aren't christian or catholic in this country you will be judged.
Mad Poster
#337 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 3:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by davious
If she didn't people would be bitching about her ignoring Trig. She is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't, so she chooses to take her kid with her. Big flippin deal.

It shouldn't matter if people are going to bitch about what she does- the baby, especially one with a handicap, should come before her political career, and if not that, she should at least have the consideration not to cause it stress and discomfort with loud noises. Her children should come first, and that's obviously not happening. Would it be so hard to hand the poor child off to a nanny for the few hours that she'll spend at the convention? It would certainly be more considerate. I'm not usually one to dictate how others should live their lives, but with children, it's different. Toting the baby around like a trophy is cruel.

Do I dare disturb the universe?
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Mad Poster
#338 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 3:10 AM
I don't want McCain for president. For starters he's immature, comparing Paris Hilton and Brittany Spears to Obama??? WTF is up with that, he's being disrespectful to the people of the United States, who wants an immature president. And then it's kind of ridiculous that he got a female president just so he could win. I read somewhere that he said he might start the draft again but I may be wrong. Plus he's going to croak over soon so what's the point?


"Going to the chapel of Love"

the girls club . statistics . yearbook .
Lab Assistant
#339 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 3:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
It shouldn't matter if people are going to bitch about what she does- the baby, especially one with a handicap, should come before her political career, and if not that, she should at least have the consideration not to cause it stress and discomfort with loud noises. Her children should come first, and that's obviously not happening. Would it be so hard to hand the poor child off to a nanny for the few hours that she'll spend at the convention? It would certainly be more considerate. I'm not usually one to dictate how others should live their lives, but with children, it's different. Toting the baby around like a trophy is cruel.

Rabid, I think..and I am just saying "I think" as my opinion, that child was a prop at the convention...they are trying to hit woman hard with that one....especially stay at home moms and single women as well. But I'm sure someone will correct us
Mad Poster
#340 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 3:18 AM
I agree wholeheartedly- both Bristol and the baby were there as a ploy at the sympathy vote. If Palin wants to drag Bristol along, that's perfectly fine by me- at least she's capable of doing something about it if she doesn't want to go. But taking a poor, helpless baby to a place where she can't slip away and comfort it if needed is heartless and wrong.

Do I dare disturb the universe?
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Lab Assistant
#341 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 3:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
I agree wholeheartedly- both Bristol and the baby were there as a ploy at the sympathy vote. If Palin wants to drag Bristol along, that's perfectly fine by me- at least she's capable of doing something about it if she doesn't want to go. But taking a poor, helpless baby to a place where she can't slip away and comfort it if needed is heartless and wrong.

well at that age babies will sleep through anything..I mean anything....lol....but yeah...too much....since this thread is about Palin I think its okay to rant about it a little bit....too me it shows a selfish individual...and the very fact she went back to work a day after she gave birth is ...I don't even know what to say...and I won't get into it biologically. We have 52 days or something like that to go till the election, I think its going to get very interesting and more information will come out and ultimately I do believe she will burn her own bridge...she and McCain....but it seems it changes almost daily....but as a person I don't like her, there is something cold about the woman and like BBB bosted in the other thread about not liking Obama, I'm saying it about Palin....I don't trust her.........
#342 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 5:06 AM
Palin's finally given some "interviews." What do people think about them?

1st interview: Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin

2nd interview: Charlie Gibson's Second Interview With Sarah Palin

3rd interview: Sarah Palin Defends Abortion Stance, Explains 'Bridge to Nowhere' Support

Personally, I think they only portray why she's not ready to be VP.
Mad Poster
#343 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 6:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by davious
Umm. Frankie? Obi-Wan? Seriously? Its a movie quote. If you remember my previous avatar, the one before the football helmet, which movie would be obvious All I was saying is that I am glad that you are learning that politics isn't the squeeky clean profession they want you to believe it is.

Thanks but seriously, I am not a big movie buff and if I do watch movies, they generally would be horror, chick flicks and some comedy. Sorry I missed the point, lol. And yeah, politics being squeaky clean? That's just like believing that a children's book about a family of humanized bears is based on a true story.
#344 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 6:20 AM
Ah, well, its a moderately well known quote from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. never mind then.

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
Mad Poster
#345 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 7:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by davious
Ah, well, its a moderately well known quote from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. never mind then.

Yeah, I don't watch that stuff. That's why I got bored of Spore already since I'm just not a sci-fi fan. But I did enjoy "Friday The 13th The Series", "Monsters", "Tales From The Darkside" and "Nightmare On Elm Street The Series". Those will always be exceptions!

As for Palin, I don't know enough to have an opinion of her just yet, but if it is true about her son and how she is treating him like that, hmmm, that would just be cruel. Are you sure she would do that? I didn't think she was THAT bad, lol.
Field Researcher
#346 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 7:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by frankie
Yeah, I don't watch that stuff. That's why I got bored of Spore already since I'm just not a sci-fi fan. But I did enjoy "Friday The 13th The Series", "Monsters", "Tales From The Darkside" and "Nightmare On Elm Street The Series". Those will always be exceptions!

As for Palin, I don't know enough to have an opinion of her just yet, but if it is true about her son and how she is treating him like that, hmmm, that would just be cruel. Are you sure she would do that? I didn't think she was THAT bad, lol.

My God. I never thought there would be an American that didn't know what Star Wars was. My mom doesn't like it, but at least she knows the important characters and quotes well enough. But you've never seen the movie? Come on dude, it's like a classic.

Just so I keep this thread on topic, I think Palin is a much better VP candidate for McCain than Biden was for Obama. I went from going to Vote for Obama to now evenly divided over the lesser evil. McCain could prove four more years of Bush (I like to give people the benefit of the doubt so I won't say he will be, just that he might) where as Obama could make too many radical changes too fast (all he preaches about is change, and I would want him to do some change, but not alot all at once)

My policy is to try and vote the party that does not have control of the senate and house, if only because it ensures that only the most pressing and agreed upon bills are passed. Either two thirds of the representative of us must agree upon it, or both party lines must be on the same side. Keeps frivolous spending down. So that is what is leading me back to McCain, a fear that the demacrats will be just as unapposed as the Republicans were during the Bush admin. I think we can all agree that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that we really shouldn't be voting unfettered power to any party. Palin just makes McCain easier for me to take, because she has that one quality Barack had that McCain didn't: she is a non-beltway politician, which was why I was going to vote McCain.
Lab Assistant
#347 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 9:39 PM
A letter I found about Sarah Palin....sums things up greatly, please read with an open mind:

eve ensler
09.13.08 at 1:29 pm in in the news

I am having Sarah Palin nightmares. I dreamt last night that she was a member of a club where they rode snowmobiles and wore the claws of drowned and starved polar bears around their necks. I have a particular thing for Polar Bears. Maybe it's their snowy whiteness or their bigness or the fact that they live in the arctic or that I have never seen one in person or touched one. Maybe it is the fact that they live so comfortably on ice. Whatever it is, I need the polar bears.

I don't like raging at women. I am a Feminist and have spent my life trying to build community, help empower women and stop violence against them. It is hard to write about Sarah Palin. This is why the Sarah Palin choice was all the more insidious and cynical. The people who made this choice count on the goodness and solidarity of Feminists.??

But everything Sarah Palin believes in and practices is antithetical to Feminism which for me is part of one story -- connected to saving the earth, ending racism, empowering women, giving young girls options, opening our minds, deepening tolerance, and ending violence and war.

I believe that the McCain/Palin ticket is one of the most dangerous choices of my lifetime, and should this country chose those candidates the fall-out may be so great, the destruction so vast in so many areas that America may never recover. But what is equally disturbing is the impact that duo would have on the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this is not a joke. In my lifetime I have seen the clownish, the inept, the bizarre be elected to the presidency with regularity.

Sarah Palin does not believe in evolution. I take this as a metaphor. In her world and the world of Fundamentalists nothing changes or gets better or evolves. She does not believe in global warming. The melting of the arctic, the storms that are destroying our cities, the pollution and rise of cancers, are all part of God's plan. She is fighting to take the polar bears off the endangered species list. The earth, in Palin's view, is here to be taken and plundered. The wolves and the bears are here to be shot and plundered. The oil is here to be taken and plundered. Iraq is here to be taken and plundered. As she said herself of the Iraqi war, "It was a task from God."??

Sarah Palin does not believe in abortion. She does not believe women who are raped and incested and ripped open against their will should have a right to determine whether they have their rapist's baby or not.??

She obviously does not believe in sex education or birth control. I imagine her daughter was practicing abstinence and we know how many babies that makes.??

Sarah Palin does not much believe in thinking. From what I gather she has tried to ban books from the library, has a tendency to dispense with people who think independently. She cannot tolerate an environment of ambiguity and difference. This is a woman who could and might very well be the next president of the United States. She would govern one of the most diverse populations on the earth.??

Sarah believes in guns. She has her own custom Austrian hunting rifle. She has been known to kill 40 caribou at a clip. She has shot hundreds of wolves from the air.??

Sarah believes in God. That is of course her right, her private right. But when God and Guns come together in the public sector, when war is declared in God's name, when the rights of women are denied in his name, that is the end of separation of church and state and the undoing of everything America has ever tried to be.??

I write to my sisters. I write because I believe we hold this election in our hands. This vote is a vote that will determine the future not just of the U.S., but of the planet. It will determine whether we create policies to save the earth or make it forever uninhabitable for humans. It will determine whether we move towards dialogue and diplomacy in the world or whether we escalate violence through invasion, undermining and attack. It will determine whether we go for oil, strip mining, coal burning or invest our money in alternatives that will free us from dependency and destruction. It will determine if money gets spent on education and healthcare or whether we build more and more methods of killing. It will determine whether America is a free open tolerant society or a closed place of fear, fundamentalism and aggression.

If the Polar Bears don't move you to go and do everything in your power to get Obama elected then consider the chant that filled the hall after Palin spoke at the RNC, "Drill Drill Drill." I think of teeth when I think of drills. I think of rape. I think of destruction. I think of domination. I think of military exercises that force mindless repetition, emptying the brain of analysis, doubt, ambiguity or dissent. I think of pain.??

Do we want a future of drilling? More holes in the ozone, in the floor of the sea, more holes in our thinking, in the trust between nations and peoples, more holes in the fabric of this precious thing we call life?
#348 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 10:02 PM
Jenny- Do you know who Eve Ensler is? Doesn't it bother you that most of the 'facts' that she's basing her opinion on have no basis in reality (i.e. Palin's stance of birth control, evolution, book banning)? It's one thing to read a piece written by the author of 'The Vagina Monologues' with an open mind, but it's another to read it and not explore whether or not she's has her own agenda.
#349 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 10:21 PM
Yeah...hardly an unbiased source. Further, that she compares drilling for oil with rape shows how credible we need to take her. Utterly ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
Lab Assistant
#350 Old 13th Sep 2008 at 10:21 PM
Yes Banshee, I know who she is...and from what I have read about sarah palin and from what she has said over the last weeks I felt I could safely post that here....take it for whatever you want...just anothers viewpoint.

Please davious, she is making a point.................Oh wait, I forgot there are several of you here who think your points matter only............okay..well nevermind then....I told myself I was stepping out of here a week ago and I think its time...I don't get off on debating.
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