Volkonir Meets the Rangers update
Date Posted: 20th Jun 2017 at 7:30 AM Views: 528
I now have chapter 2's images edited. Chapter 3's images will soon follow, and most of chapter 4 is already edited. Once 2 and 3 are uploaded and captioned here, the rest I can mostly copy-paste from DeviantArt.

Chapters 8-12 will still need some editing though. Once the entire thing is done, I can add the end credits. Those will be the really fun part.

So far, Volkonir's armor has been the hardest thing to edit - along with his motorcycle. The show Rangers are tricky, because their helmets are so specific. The film Rangers, oddly enough, are easier. The Emo Rangers are (mostly) a breeze, thankfully.
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vB Journal Copyright � Anthony Scudese