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Sims Pre-greeting kiss/hug/video test nuker/circumventor

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Uploaded: 1st May 2018 at 11:14 AM
Description of what this mod does
Whenever a sim greets another sim for the first time on a lot, a test is run by the game to find out what sort of a greeting should take place; romantic, friendly, etc, and makes the two sims do little hugs, kisses, waves, etc BEFORE the interaction you told your sims to do. Many times, this causes Sims to get up from sitting, stop dancing, etc, for a simple "Brighten Day", or worse yet, causes the interaction to fail altogether from all its putzing around.

This mod simply removes the test coding altogether. It's still there for the game to reference, but it's blank, and flies right by it, and MOST of the time Sims will ONLY do what you told them to do instead. The number of failed social attempts has dropped in my game by a huge margin, and if I order a sim to go tell someone at the front door that they are a criminal mastermind, that's exactly what they do, without giving them a comforting hug first (which totally ruins the criminal mastermind aura). This makes the social part of gameplay quicker and more responsive. Things still fail from time to time, and Sims still do weird, unordered greets occasionally (it's still a Maxis game), but it's much better imho.

The mod changes the following xml, so any mods that use the same may conflict:

Additional Tweaks
This can be used with my pre-greetings time out mod (http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=605341), because sims will still sometimes wander across the lot and make your sim get up for an empty kiss or hug, and that seems to tone those down a bit as well.

Additional Credits:
Sims 4 Studio
Thanks to Scumbumbo who pointed out to me where the greetings were coming from