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RabidAngel Recolor Tribute

170 Downloads 94 Thanks  Thanks 1 Favourited 9,619 Views
Uploaded: 19th Dec 2005 at 7:46 AM
Updated: 22nd Dec 2005 at 9:27 PM - SOME people NOT READING the first post PROPERLY, OR the posts in the thread is getting irritating, so I hoped to make it CLEARER.
RabidAngel has graciously given her permission and support for these recolors of her tops to be posted here. (The tops and pants are SEPARATE, the pants are my creation.)

I've been using these top recolors myself for a long time, because I just really liked these particular tops RabidAngel did, but wanted a few more colors (the originals were orange and blue - look for her work here on MTS2).

No artistic merit on my behalf exists here - I merely changed the base color, that is all.

All credits to RabidAngel; if you feel inclined to say "Thankyou", please direct your thanks to RabidAngel; she will be reading this thread

The reason I'm posting these tops here is because a number of people saw these recolors in preview shots when I teamed them with my pants creations, and I didn't want to keep telling people they only existed on my PC, so I bit the bullet and just asked RabidAngel if I could share them publically - so here we are

I hope you enjoy these recolors of RabidAngels originals as much as I do.


These are NORMAL TOPS, they DO NOT need a new mesh.
This means NO MESH REQUIRED ! ! !
Anyone asking this question again from the time of this edit on will be ignored or poked.

The alpha file and the texture files were simply colored so they would look longer (by RabidAngel) to go with low-rise pants without the sim having a bare stomach.

If you are after the original colors, just search for "RabidAngel" and you'll find her creations in a number of posts. Go look!
